Geese on the beach?

So, we we're settled for a day on the beach when suddenly the peace was shattered by the cackling of three full grown geese? They were chaperoned by a local Spanish lady, which seemed to make it more interesting to most the men on the beach!

Two made a break for it at one point causing sun bathers to scatter in their path!!

It clouded over soon after and rain forced us into the coffee shack in the beach, and finally back to the pool, where it soon turned back to Mr Blue Sky.

What happened next I'm trying not to make a fuss about. But we were all (except Em as usual) jumping around a lilo reclaiming the pool from the small children and elderly, when who should appear but Em!! She promptly jumped in and joined the throng!!! We worked out for various insecure teenager reasons it was over 6 years ago she last went swimming, so it was quite a breakthrough. Snorkelling tomorrow!?

The food here is amazing, and frustrating at the same time. Especially if you don't like the thought of waste! But we have decided that 3 large meals a day can't continue, just because they're there waiting invitingly . . Juicy. Steaks, perfect fish, salads that even G has tried!!

In the evening we had a wander round before ending up at Salamanders again, which was mewie be anne!!l

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