In An Instant

By MrRosewarne

'Professor Pepe Le Phew'

Myself and Dylan's friends Mum Connie were the rostered parent helpers at Cubs tonight and it was all about the sciences. A really fun night too.

The pack were split into 3 groups of 8 cubs and rotated to 3 different science experiments. I was running a group experimenting with fire. Each cub took a tea candle a box of matches and a glass. We spoke about the composition of air, how to safely light a match, what 3 things are required to make fire and finally I asked each cub to guess what would happen when we put a glass over their lit tea candle. Each glass was a different shape and size so I also had them guess which glass would let the candle burn for the longest time and therefore had the greatest volume of oxygen in it.

After the experiments there was a guest Science teacher who spoke about all of the different types of Sciences and what each group encompassed.

I really enjoyed the night and each Cub earned their Science badge.

This is Kaa, the group leader tonight as our Akela was away, dressed up as the mad professor. Looks the part huh!

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