
By fotoday

got the birdie

This summer I have spent a long time and several attempts to get a decent kingfisher image. This morning was to be my last attempt, I got the permission from my friendly ranger to go to his favoured spot on a friends farm. I got up just after dawn and there again a crouched and hid in a tiny den awaiting what is usually a regular visitor. This time she turned up and stayed around the area very relaxed for about 20 minutes.

I know its a female because she wears lipstick on the underside of her bill.

The patience and effort was worth it spending time so close to a kingfisher is just amazing watching there them preen , fly and catch a stickleback was magical. All this and I was still changed and into work almost on time. Now I'm tired and ready for an early night.

Please view it large it's a beautiful bird

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