This isnt a very good picture as the light was DFO ( dull flat and 'Orrible) ( as they say ) but what surprised me was the three kingfishers on the one roosting position. I was with Mrs Poo at the time as we were 'having a look" (as you do) before partaking of a much earned Latte - we were discussing the fact that there were two Kingies on the one branch and thought that the two might be married and about to consumate their conjugals ! when along came another and a fight ensued, again suggesting that one of the cock birds did not want this conjugal to take place.

the other interesting thing is these birds have just returned in the last few days to this position which is where they were pictured exactly the same posis' last year ( and you can varify from my journal See similar days last year) this indicates to ME they are coming here to feed and to mate. I will have a concentrated effort to get real close with some decent light in the days to come. O NO POO - not more Kingfishers !!!! - sorry - dont look Ethel!
rgds poo

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