Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


The Bossess is coming walking O Boy O Boy O Boy and off we went The Bossess, The Boss and his camera bag and tripod so I thought it was going to be a serious day. Well it was indeed 'Cos just along the track there was this hole in the bushes that led on to the lake front and the lake was low so there was a big lake front and out goes The Boss with all his gear and out goes The Bossess to supervise and out goes ME. There was this funny white stuff instead of the usual puddles that felt a bit funny on my paws. It was around the front of the lake so I went to take a look and hey I could walk out a bit further and OPPS it gave way and I fell into the water ( Just like the goon show) Oh not to worry it wasn't deep but I was a bit surprised so treated the lake edge with caution from then on. After much clicking and tripod shifting and advise from The Bossess we continued on the walk which was great (except for one bit when I met a stroppy young pup who bared his teeth at me.
Golly he needs some serious socialisation I thought so barked some advice at him till our owners sorted us out.
Oh well anyway there was another funny incident later in the day when we went to visit M and R for afternoon tea. I was outside with Max and there was this big planter box like at home and I could see it was not planted so (just like home) I leaped into it to give Max a mining demonstration ( German Shepherds don't know much about this) and OPPS again....It wasn't a planter box it was a raised pond, full of water, frozen, ahhh... not frozen enough. Bug... and now there was no way I was going to get inside and my soft coating was soggy.
I think that people who have ponds disguised as planter boxes should have warning signs (in K9 of course) AND I just know what you are going to say... Famous proverb "Look Before You Leap", but I'm a little short and I have nothing more to say without my attorney present.

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