Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Hot dogs

Quite warm on the gather in the morning. Pip and Shaw at our usual waiting spot. you can see the sheep coming along behind them. By midday there was a strong wind blowing and on the home straight of the gather the rain came, we could see it approaching us bit by bit.

After gathering went straight to a training session with Ben on his home ground. We got sooooo wet! My waterproofs leak like a sieve! We had been invited to a meal out with some friends and friends of friends so we decided to stay in our caravan that is still on my parents driveway and my mum very kindly offered to be a taxi too! All in all a nice relaxing time, even the gathering, was pleased with Pip as I wasn't sure how she would be after a break from work.

17c Sunshine am heavy rain pm

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