

Is this a show or a market?

Such a typical situation in these days on the Royal Mile. So many free shows including a tens .. hundreds offers of variable flyers. You' ve got just a few seconds to give a sophisticated offer. 

You should stand like the living statue without movement.
You should dance your act through the masses.
You should say what is  the name of your play.
You should sing your best song.
You should smile to everyone.
You should scream the number of your venue.
You should try to give a flyer to everybody.

Oh yes. The flyer. He says the all important.And it is a piece of paper full of useful information. 

Your navigation to venue. 
Your preview of the show.
Your presence of the act.
Your page of imagination.
Your advertisement for the FRINGE.

Do you know how many flyers you should expect in the streets during the whole FRINGE?

Looks like 2 millions :-) 
Really ;-) 
I know that sounds like a very impressive number. But I heard that fact on BBC during my lunch break at work. It was short report from Royal Mile in the afternoon news around 1.45pm.
They were trying to compare that flyers' parade to huge market with theatre, music and art offers. It' s like the art of sales :-) They' ve shown a few examples from the street.

Okay, I' m using this TV report like prequel to my today' s blip. 

I used my telephoto zoom 70 - 300 mm and I found him like not so useful for project "Focusing on the camera". But telezoom is really useful for art of compressing the perspective. That' s great about this type of lens. 

I' m choosing this shot because I was catching my eye attracted by Korean artist in the foreground. Beautiful costume, exotic Asian smile and slow movement were good examples of pretty good self promotion. This girl is part of Norian Maro group. They are performing "Leodo The Paradise" .

To be honest I like the contrast with background. It gives a sense of rivalry little bit. There is a girl with another offer in the background. No, she is not a poster, trust me ;-)

Anyway, it' s time for evening tea and then I' m starting to prepare myself for the music night in The Hub. Anna Calvi and Heritage Orchestra will be playing their third and last gig during the Edinburgh International Festival. And I' m going to enjoy the music. Pocket cam is inside my pocket but I will be a music listener (not photographer) for this night :-)

That' s great. Blip is done. And Anna Calvi' s Desire is a great song for the end of my words. Enjoy  ;-)

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