Standing proud...

Another busy one today. Mrs F back to work after her holidays,not a happy bunny !
The herd away to Stirling with a load of lambs,then a lorry in for some others going straight to slaughter.
One hauling dung,one spreading slurry,and I went away to open up yet another field of grass with the mower.
By this afternoon the straw down the road was just about baleable,so off with the mower,on with the baler and trundle down the road for another late night. Got most of the 46 acres baled except for a few rows round the hedge backs that will need turned as they are still soaking.
A panic call from Mrs as the Jeep had died on the A7.Nabbed a pal with his landrover to tow me home. Seems a diesel engine doesn't like being filled with Shell's finest unleaded petrol. Ho Hum.
The oats are starting to turn colour,and more importantly they are still on their feet. This is a different variety to last year,as this field was flat as a pancake by July last summer.

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