
By Sh0naSm1th

Ain't nuffin' like a muffin...

This afternoon I made raspberry muffins following Lorraine Pascale's instructions. The mixture was pretty straightforward. The biggest faff was her 'deli look' cases ie 2 squares of baking parchment slightly offset and pushed into the muffin tin.

I wouldn't have bothered with the faff, but since they're not 'just' for family (they're for the tennis ladies after tomorrow night's match) I thought I'd make the effort! They taste pretty good, which I guess is really the most important thing! We'll hold a few back for quality control purposes, of course.

A pretty domestic day really. I did a washing earlier and hung it out which caused the rain to come. Then I brought it all inside and hung it all up, and guess what, it stopped raining (but not for long). Then I tidied up the (rather optimistically named) summerhouse, so blame me if summer never arrives in Scotland.

We watched a nice film last night which I'd recommend - 'Snow Cake' with Alan Rickman and Sigourney Weaver. Then we watched 'There will be blood', which was somewhat contrasting, but more hubby's thing (though I enjoyed it too). I do like a good film.

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