
By FarmerGirl

NZ native Kea

We had 5 Kea in our front paddock this afternoon.  I didn't have my camera with me, so I rushed home and luckily by the time I got back, they were all still where I left them.  This cheeky one flew up to the post just beside me.  It obviously liked all the attention.

The New Zealand Kea is a endemic parrot found in the South Island's alpine environments - not that I would call where we live 'alpine'.  Kea are a protected species. They are rated as one of the most intelligent birds in the world.  When they fly, they have the most magnificent orange colouring under their wings.  

 Son T has been setting a predator trap (that he made) up the back of the farm.  A couple of weeks ago he caught a stoat, and today he came back with a weasel.  Both these pests are a danger to the Kea, eating the eggs from the nest of the Kea (which are laid in the ground), and also attacking and eating Kea chicks, so he's doing a fab job catching these pests.  I've put a photo of the weasel (in my extra photo's) still in the trap.

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