Tarawera Times

By Megl

The Craftsman's work.

After taking a photo of Rob in his workshop several days ago, I asked him if he would like me to take  some photos of the rifle that he has just finished making from scratch, and he was delighted. He arrived with it this afternoon and we spent several hours taking a number of images to record what he considers may well be his last major work.

He said there were more than 2000 hours of work in crafting this rifle from scratch, I don't know all the tech details but he tells me it is a .700 Nitro Express and what makes it really special is the second barrel, which he informs me makes it a shotgun. (V1k1, the forester will be impressed with these details!) It weighs about 18lbs, not something I would want to carry around.

Rob made the gun, crafting the wood and adding the details, and creating all the metal work. Pieces were sent to England to be engraved then added to it. The case was made elsewhere in NZ, the hide on the outside from an African buffalo (don't want to think of that part!).

The owner is coming to collect it later next week.

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