Storage Space

Sugar Bear went to her old day care while I worked today.  What a fun treat for her.  She misses her day care provider so much.  It really was wonderful for those two to have some time together, and Sugar was quite a hit with the 2 year old crowd, as usual.  Fun day.  

Sugar and I had some time alone at home to catch up on a SYTYCD episode.  We enjoyed our snuggles.  Then we met The Hubby over at our other property to check an older motorhome he is considering buying.  I was pleased to see that the custom dresser we had made, was completed, and The Hubby had picked it up.  It is WAY too heavy to load into our house alone, so it is still on the trailer in our shop.  I took a quick snap of it.  Can't wait to get it into our bedroom.  Finally a quality piece of furniture to keep my clothes in.  We are sooooo short on storage space in our house. This is really going to help.

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