
I think this is a European Brown Katydid.  It's a very suitable blip to mark our departure from Jonathan & Peter's wonderfully wild garden (and my 200th blip), so I was very happy indeed to have found him in the perimeter hedge. Just look at his mouth parts - scary!
Interestingly I have noticed the flowers and wildlife evolve over our two weeks in St Astier de Duras.  In the first week the lavender, brambles and buddleia were thronging with blue butterflies, bees and moths.  However as the lavender finished the blues disappeared, to be replaced by large whites, a lovely flighty yellow one I could never capture and I think possibly an Emperor, which also refused to pose.  I had to look harder to find insects and spiders, including about 9 wasp spiders, one of which was absolutely enormous, (about 24mm head and body only with looooong legs!)  However, I think she may have eaten her mate as he disappeared.  The colourful Italian striped shield bugs were also a highlight as I'd never seen them before.
Of course the bugs weren't the only company - we had a wonderful time with several of our oldest friends - lots of laughs...and maybe just a little wine.  All in all a happy fortnight.
And so as we drive home, I'm posting my 200th blip from the car. 3G on the motorway is great!  Thank you to those who follow my journal; your support is very much appreciated.  There are only ever positive comments on blip - what a wonderfully friendly community!  I seem to have developed a fascination for all things tiny and love the detail that can be revealed in macro photography, but I do try to mix it up a bit.  My challenge is to broaden my horizons and get better at landscapes too - I'd better book some time in the diary to go and find some! 

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