The final frontier

Poor Mr A hasn't been feeling well for the last couple of days manflu, but still wanted to go out somewhere today, especially as the weather was so nice (was!).

First stop was Tatton Park, for the 'passion for power' classic car show. It was heaving. We had a good wander round, looking at the cars, both old and new.
We spotted just the one cavalier, and it was a 1986 convertible like ours.

We saw a Lamborghini for sale for a mere £204,000; Mr A said that's just less than one weeks wages for Wayne Rooney. That's outrageous!

It was still nice weather wise at this point, so we decided to drive a little further south and visit Jodrell Bank. This has been on the places to visit list since last year, so it seemed silly not to go when we were so close.

Halfway there, the heavens opened, but luckily we'd anticipated this and stopped to put the roof back up on Cav before we got soaked.

Jodrell Bank was ok, I'd say geared more to kids than adults, although we did enjoy the whispering dishes (which you can just about see on the photo).
We still haven't fathomed how they work; it was weird to whisper and hear Mr A so clearly when he was a good 100 metres away.

It's been a good day out, but we were glad to get home and have a decent cup of coffee.
Tonight's plan is to veg out with a movie before we are both back to work tomorrow.

Today's blip is of the Lovell telescope.

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