Tidying up

I'm attempting to reclaim my study today.
So far I've got 2 bin bags full.

Have moved all the clothes off the floor ( clean ones that had not been put away ), with C's help in pairing up the odd socks.

Burnt bank statements that went back to 1999, and am about to burn the guarantee for my BBC 128. Bought on the 24th Sept 1988 as I started my GCSE computers.

In hindsight £521.45 was a good investment considering next month will be the start of my 18th year with the same IT company.

However today I'm purging. So its for the burn.

( WOOF. It's gone )

It joins appraisals from 1998.
Mobile phone bills.
Course notes.
Filofax and diary entries.

Feeling good.

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