A new mall generation

I am not so much into shopping as into architectural achievements. Malls, condos, buildings are mushrooming in Bangkok. 
This is one of the latest upscale mall in town. At first, I thought it was just another shopping-centre. But today, a friend took me there to show me how different the concept of this place was. No doubt that the design is particularly elaborate. But the shops are set in the first half of the building. Then comes this huge atrium. You can choose to take the lift or the escalator. But they have added a third option: a walking ramp spirals all the way up and this is where there are cafés, restaurants or other unusual places. It means that someone on a wheelchair could shop or enjoy the place like anybody else. Some more, they have tried to integrate a green element in the design. The dragon-like green swirl gets a thin sprinkle that ends in an indoor pool. And at that level, they have created a suspended garden with a tremendous view over the city.

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