Monomonday: Balance

Sometimes it's difficult to maintain a sense of balance when you're immersed in the surreal world of probate.

It's nearly 6 months since we appointed a company to handle Tess's Mum's estate and we're still waiting for everything to be completed. Every week we find ourselves involved in series of phone calls and emails, trying to untangle paperwork and delays worthy of Dickens' Bleak House. Today was one of those days!

What with that and coping with Tess's Dad's dementia and accompanying needs, it can all get rather dizzying at times.

To cap it off, for a while this afternoon I couldn't see any images on the Blip website and I was afraid that the site was finally spiralling into oblivion. Thank goodness normal service was resumed after a couple of hours.

Fortunately, we've had our granddaughter Sophie to provide some equilibrium - and her bricks to provide a subject for today's challenge!

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