View from my window

By skiesnsunsets

Family teaset

His nibs went to visit with his cousin who is over from New Zealand for a visit. He picked up his grandma's teaset. It's really pretty and has sweet flowers painted on. As is my wont I did a little research (it made a change from book chapter writing). I worked out it was from a pottery in Stafford called Dresden Porcelain Company in Longton. I even had a pattern number. I thought it was odd seeing the Dresden name in an English pottery, and did a bit more digging. In fact it was a bit of a 'rip-off' pottery, stealing designs from 'Dresden' and selling them to people who couldn't afford real Dresden pottery.

From then on the day went downhill. I had a bit of a glut of fruit and carrots so I decided to juice it all. Juicing the oranges went well and lulled us into a false sense of security. The pears were OK if a bit frothy. Then I did the apples. Uh oh. I realised AFTER I finished them that there was loads of pulp up around the top. It turned out a bit of apple had got stuck under the whizzer thingy and pushed it out of place so it didn't juice properly and separate the juice. Usually the residue is really dry but it took me ages to strain the pulp out. We finished cleaning up and then juiced the carrots cna cleaned up again.

We were just starting to get ready to cook tea when his nibs noticed that the water draining bit at the back of the fridge was blocked and there was water puddled in the bottom of the fridge. So we had to empty the fridge pull it out and start cleaning  and of course then it meant we decided to defrost the freezer. We managed to clear the blocked waste water pipe, clean the fridge and defrost the freezer. But, we still had to cook tea!

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