One step at a time!

By IanO


This is a shot of Lucy having her very first hydrotherapy session prior to her surgery next month. Lucy doesn't 'do' water, she loves to run on the beach but avoids the water at all costs, so we were concerned about how she would react.  As it turned out we need not have worried as she did extremely well, this is most fortunate as she will have ten sessions in all. In the pool with her is Adam he's a great guy, very caring and looked after her as if she was his own. Of course Suzy went along to keep her sister company but was more than happy to watch from the poolside.

The notion of hydrotherapy for dogs was a new one to us but our vet Tom explained how it will help condition her muscles and help her lose a little weight prior to surgery. It can be beneficial post-surgery too and help her recovery. Lucy has a little muscle wastage in her left leg as she is not as active as usual, this has understandably led to a slight increase in her weight too.

Our two little dogs are Yorkshire Terriers who love to be outside enjoying a bit of rough and tumble but we are having to treat Lucy with kid-gloves at the moment. Limiting her walking and (trying) to stop her jumping on the sofa etc. She's not enjoying this and prefers to be tearing around in the midst of the action. Hopefully in a few months she will be back to her normal self. In the meantime brace yourself for I suspect this will be the first of quite a few Lucy centric Blips.

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