Spanish Bar Scene

An early dinner in 'Mum's hotel place' as we call it. It's now our hotel place too as it's beside the hotel we stayed in last night after the attempted break-ins in our street. You can see Dd's chariot if you look closely.

We did a full test of our alarm system and put together a time line of the three known incidents on our side of the street with the help of a visiting neighbour who works closely with the Estonian police in the field of face reading to determine if someone is telling the truth. She was very astute and, of course, could see though me straight away!

Bricks had been loosened and fell onto the patio where she was staying as the burglar scrambled from our roof onto theirs. The loose bricks were on her property and could have killed someone is they had been sitting on their patio at 10:55 hours last night . . . not an unlikely circumstance.

I moved into presidential action with an alert to all our 26 neighbours and outlined the need for increased vigilance and the three courses of action open to us - close the ends of the streets with high gates, install security cameras and employ a security guard during the night. The first is already underway and the latter two require estimates and an evaluation of the pros and cons.

Somewhere is the midst of this I slept right through the start time of my scheduled early morning call with my book designer in Australia! Ah well, until tomorrow . . .

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