Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Family :)

Late night last night catching up on with our daughter and son-in-laws now they are back from their honeymoon. So this morning a little tired.

Into work for a meeting - to find it was cancelled......., then off to visit a lady in hospital (in between the pouring rain showers) before back to work for lunch. Brief meeting with H.R. Manager about our new jobs (salary in particular) before lunch - having eaten so late last night, hadn't had breakfast, so porridge for lunch (but it exploded in the microwave so lost some of it).

Home reasonably early before going off to the restaurant. Arrived to find they didn't have a booking - I confidently produced my email of the booking confirmation ......... had booked for 25th not the 26th!!!! Fortunately they had room to accommodate us. Lovely evening with the kids, catching up. Perfect end to the day - plus very full belly's !!!


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