Noises from the SW Front

By Aestus

Uh oh!!

It appears the air conditioning equipment on the office roof has a wee leak. It's brand new mind, at a cost in excess of a million dollars. Something to do with a sump that's not deep enough to hold all the water created in certain situations. It leaks on the floor, which is supposed to be ok, because there's a drain, but some water runs past the drain and on to the roof, where there's a poorly installed patch. I hope the inept patch appliers were not some of those workers complaining about the potential their jobs might be taken by immigrants. I say, the sooner, the better. Anyway, we had to hang a tarp, but not just any tarp. Ours has a handy-dandy drainage attachment in the center, to which a hose can be connected to avoid the drama of an over-full tarp. Sort of an incontinence appliance for a tarp, if you will.

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