Abstract heart

More of the wet stuff this morning, then on and off in fits and starts. I noticed this heart-shaped pothole in the road on the morning walk.

Yesterday afternoon, when I went to feed the cats, the cat-flap was lying in bits on the kitchen floor behind the door. I suspect the culprit was one of our postmen - we have a rota of 3 or 4 posties who do a week at a time - who, for whatever reason, will fling the mail through the cat-flap even though there is a perfectly good letter-box in the door! It has been irritating me for ages, even more so when we've had rain and end up with little pawprints on the mail.

After struggling for hours half an hour to repair the cat-flap, bemoaning the fact that I didn't have an extra pair of hands, and eyes on both sides of the door, I admitted defeat and asked a friendly knight in shining armour/neighbour for help. Between us we eventually managed to fix it. Phew! 

I pinned a polite notice on the door, asking for mail to be posted through the letter-box instead of the cat-flap and I'm hoping the message has been received loud and clear.

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