Hello Sunshine.

.......It was nice to see you for a brief moment!

I've had the most relaxing of mornings. Mr W got up early and made tea in bed before he left me to go and play racquet ball with his friends. And there I stayed until he got back just gone 12!!!

And Iv done very little else. It's my day off so I guess that's ok!

And as my Facebook Buddies know, my Baby Boy passed his interview for the Royal Marines today. Apparently they want him to start asap providing he passes his medical and fitness test on 7th September. I'm so very proud of him. Especially as he had managed to turn himself around from being a naughty rebellious lad at school, not wanting to go to college, slightly abandoned after my divorce, in trouble in his local area, writing off several cars, and taking a few years off to be a self confessed beach bum (although he works very hard in a beach bar in Newquay! ) He has done himself proud that he's turned himself around and chosen the right path. I'm so very proud. It's a long way off yet but it's a start in the right direction.
Mumi loves you lots. xXx ♡ xXx

Lazy blip from my bed! !!

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