
It's official. I have a new job! I'm the laser girl!

As my many blips reflect I love my job as a GP Liaison officer however the amount of plates I had spinning at any one time was often too many. Loved the flexibility and the unpredictability but the big ' but ' involved a colleague who has been chipping away at my confidence. You could call it bullying but I prefer to call it a clash. So, when my boss tentatively explored whether I would be interested in a new role, Specially created pour moi to co-ordinate our brand new laser service, inwardly I let out a sigh of relief. Concentrates all my energies into one area, eyes, back to patient contact, which is my background and first love and removes me from the awkward playground behaviour of my colleague. Three weeks of frets but the contract came in and it's a good 'un.
No more putting a brave face on in front of a powerful foe.
To capture her personality in one anecdote, she parks in the dedicated oncology parking bay. For very, very sick people having chemo. ... She also refers to herself as the 'Rich Bitch'. ...Got a handle on her yet?
We were never going to be friends. Now I'm technically her superior in position and , oops, salary.
And that my friend. Is karma

Ps blip is of the technicalities of fitting a triangle shaped laser into a room where the architect forgot to include the air duct on the drawing. I saved the day! Now where's me cape?

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