Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Mad as Cheese?

"The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese."

G K Chesterton

There was a young dog called Maud,
Who did stuff of her own accord,
She was mad as cheese,
And did as she pleased,
But her owners never got bored!

Cheese Roll Call (Mad as Cheese!)

It's lovely here today and I am feeling purposeful! A head teacher acquaintance, Gill T (shout out!) used to use this 'mad as cheese' phrase - which is handy for rhyming purposes!
As an aside, I don't know whether anyone saw the Men's Tennis Final at Queen's Club yesterday? When David Nalbandian was disqualified? Well, the crowd, who are renowned for being well off and who had paid £103 per ticket were cross and booing when he defaulted the game. The legendary Sue Barker gets on court and said "Ssh!" once. And they all shut up! How funny that one sh should silence them, eh?

Edit at 10:15 - just hit 'L' for large. Very sweet!

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