The Chaos Bros

By vik


Such a busy week, The Bros school has 'health week' where they do all sorts of activities each day which require different sports kits, oh and waterproofs! See the state of wee Bro3 in the relay race on Tuesday!
The washing machine has not stopped, no that this is hugely different to any other day here.
Bro1's visits to high school have gone well despite initial concerns and he has found old/new friends from Cubs. He's arranging meeting up with them during the summer.

Blipping took a bit of a back seat while I spent hours carving shields and armour out of huge cardboard boxes with a stanley knife in preparation for
'Knights Away' Beaver Camp. Bro1 was roped in to help, he painted and painted and painted corrugated cardboard for me.

The poppies on the verge at the end of the drive provide great emergency blip material.

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