Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

The Checkup

The un-named one had her first trip to the vets today.  She weighed in at 1.675 pounds and is approximately seven weeks old.  All health checks are OK so far but she has to go back in two weeks for some additional tests just to make sure. 

The one thing that the vets could not determine is the kittens sex.  They think it is a girl but are not 100% sure.  If it is a boy, it's raisins should start to show within a couple of weeks... : ))

BTW - She was a hit at the vets.  All the technicians as well as three veterinarians came out to see the "cutie".  The check up itself was 10 minutes but we were in there an hour and 5 minutes!  

Just like the puppies, the little one is getting harder and harder to photograph since she is constantly on the run.  This brief still moment was captured about 7 PM after the sun disappeared. So I had to set the aperture at 1.4 and the ISO at 1600 just to get a half way decent exposure. 

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