
I left Islay on the 7.00 am boat this morning, en route for the Cowal Games - just as I did a year ago at this time after campaigning on the island and then taking  part in a wonderful indyref hustings.

I got to Dunoon about 12.00 , parked the car at the back of the office, walked up the street to the stadium (passing the Forward Shop which was doing a good trade in badges and cakes) , had lunch with the sponsors, the Scottish Salmon Company, strolled round the field meeting people and seeing the bands and then eventually made my way back to the car and to Glendaruel, where Cathleen and I had a  local 60th Birthday  event  to attend.

Cowal Games is broadening its range of stalls and exhibits and today Argyll & Bute Business Gateway had brought four of their young companies to show and sell their wares.

I was particularly fascinated by Robert Crowe's work.  He started to learning how to make these shinty sticks only two years ago and now has a business in Innellan (Heron Camans) producing them by hand.  

In three weeks time I expect to be at the Camanachd Cup Final in Oban where I will see sticks like these  being used with great skill.   Producing them requires different talents but they are just as special and perhaps , now , rarer. 

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