Tarmachan ridge

My first target when I started running more about 3 and a half years ago was to complete a 10k race (I thought this would be the max I could do but have revised that since!) and our daughter found the Killin 10k. It's a scenic undulating route and today was the 4th time I've run it.
I wasn't sure if I'd recovered enough to get round in under an hour but I managed 58.22 - 10 secs quicker than last year and only 8 secs slower than my fastest the year before - so I was very pleased.  They don't do over 60s in this race but I thought the 12th over 50 was fairly respectable (I don't know how many were behind me but I'm sure there were some). It also helped having someone I've raced against several times to spur each other on, and we got identical times.
We had a bit of drizzle but it wasn't a problem and as we returned to the car at the end we had this view of the clearing clouds on the mountains. There's a race up some of them later in the year which Mr Rat plans to do, I think I'll find something a bit easier as I've several trail races coming up.

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