Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

240 Volts

That is one brave snail....I won't tell you about my snail disaster yesterday as it was just tooooo sad (think: baby snail, think: lawn mower)....I feel I could do with 240 volts to my brain as it needs something of a boost. I'm blaming the Hay Fever!

On waiting for the boys to come out of school, a coach pulled up with Yr 4 on it...Jed is in Yr 4 so where had they been?
Jed's teacher stepped off the coach and said "Hello!"
"Where have you been?" I asked.
"Swimming." she replied.
"But I thought it was swimming on Mondays?" I replied.
"It is Monday." she replied.

Jed was not a happy bunny, having to do literacy for 90 minutes when he could've been swimming! Oh dear!! In my defence I would like to say that I thought they were only having swimming lessons up until half-term. I didn't realise that they were carrying on until the end of the year. Either way, it completely slipped my mind this morning.

Then Rowan appeared and informed me that he hadn't taken his violin to school! In my defence I would just like to say that it's about time my boys showed their independence in these matters.....

I don't know who the graffiti joker was but it wasn't me, M'lud.

Paul McCartney is 70 today!!!!!!

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