When's the torch coming?

2years 241days

I decided I would take Katie to see the Olympic torch because it felt like something I wanted to tell her about in the future, something I wanted us to mark her being part of and in her life experiences. I wasnt expecting it to really be something that at this moment in her life she got a great deal from. I was mistaken. She had an absolutely wonderful time.

I took the decision to travel away from our home town, as I knew it was going to be hugely busy, no convenient vantage points and probably too much. So we headed to the seaside town of Filey, as the nearest town to my own home town of Scarborough. We, with friends, chose what seemed a good route to see it approach and then leave. It had the bonus of having houses with big sealed raised steps and platforms, who were willing to let a small person and friends stand and watch. Added bonus was we were next to a handover point.

Katie totally embraced the flag waving, the free handout drums, the whistle blowing, the little hats. We sat between us waving five flags, two drums, four hats, Monkey included. We had our photos taken by the cocacola rep, several times, with free downloads included. We got souvenir coke bottles. The police escorts began to come through the street and Katie loved waving to them. She was asking "when the torch coming" for quite a while. The men running ahead, the men on the bikes, they all got enthusiasic waves from her. She loved the parade of corporate floats. When the actual torch came, I wasnt sure she'd seen it, but she stood there in awe of the whole thing. And then told me "Mummy, I saw the torch. The one torch. And then the two torch". She'd watched, seen the handover, seen them both alight together and watched them run on. And was really excited about it. So very worth the effort.

All of this was the filling, sandwiched between wonderful rest of the day, made up of chickens, dogs, trampolining, meals out, the sea. Then more chickens, collecting her own eggs for her tea, mummy horse riding and being led by (with adult assistance) Katie, hedgehog rescues, and more trampolining. A really memorable day.

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