Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Archie meets another Bailey

We went to the Hermitage of Braid walk - I haven't been there for ages. Archie must have known, because for the first time, he let out little yelps as we rode along on the bus. Luckily by the time we got there, yelping now and then, we were the only passengers.

We met lots of dogs, including a dog walker with seven dogs! Lots of ball-obsessed collies, and big Labradors who weren't the slightest bit interested in playing with a muddy wee dog.

Then we met Bailey. Not his girlfriend Bailey, but a boy Bailey, a Lhasa apso. Bailey's mum was yelling at him to come - she was miles away, but Bailey was having too much fun with Archie and was suddenly deaf. His mum had to come all the way back, and was not pleased. Archie and I wandered off to her shouting at poor wee Bailey. Wrong (tactics)...

I then walked all the way back along (going up over the Hill is just too much for me and my dysfunctional thermostat - I'd've ended up as a puddle of sweat, with a pile of clothes and a pair of shoes - oh, and a new blue iPhone - had I made it to the top).

I was chummed back along by a lady and her dog. I soon realised she was very lonely, and just wanted someone to chat to. I heard her life story and what she had for breakfast by the time I came to a possible escape route/turn off. I thought about making my excuses and nipping off, but decided not to take it, and walked on with her, hearing about all her ailments, her holiday plans and losing her dog on Arthur's Seat (the police found it, happy ending). There but for fortune...

A rather grubby Archie was posing on the tree trunk, but I realised afterwards that he'd spotted another dog and didn't move. Good boy!

My extra is a shot of nice bit of the river, mainly because it took me SO long, and I nearly fell in. I had a firm grip on the camera strap though, as it balanced precariously on a rock.

Archie was very very muddy and rather stinky. So I had to bung him in the shower. Now he's washed, been dried off with the hairdryer, had a wee whizz over with the clippers, and we're both enjoying our respective treats.

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