Don't Know Where I'm Going

Funny sort of morning. LooseCanon,my mountain guide and photography mentor, planned a Wainwright  called Rosthwaite fell. It was going to be a quick one! We walked up a near vertical slippery grassy slope , got overtaken, which I hate, got nearly to the top and then realised it wasn't the highest point, couldn't go any further as we hadn't any lunch with us and descended rather disappointed.
But it's  not all bad news, apparently Wainwright got it confused so we have done another one from our list even though we really felt we should have gone to the highest point. Then we had a scrumptious lunch at the Flock inn Cafe, at Yew Tree Farm.Prince Charles went there some years ago, to promote British farming. They sell a lot of lamb products so he  probably upset the vegetarian half of the country but simultaneously delighted the farmers.
He apparently declared it 'Marvellous'

Oh yes, the picture is looking across to the Honister pass and Fleetwith Pike , you can see the slate quarries up at Honister

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