Spectacular, Spectacular !!

August Spectacular photo's      An awfully BIG adventure today dearies.
7am meet with the good Bird-Man-Marcus at RSPB Titchwell car park, pick up Julian & Arthur, drive to Snettisham & out along the shingle bank, walk a wee way with a gathering gang of birding enthusiasts in time for the very high Spring tide at 8am. Then WOW !. Great flotillas of birds being reluctantly drive up the mud flats by the tide had to take to the air & came sweeping over out heads, heading for the gravel pools behind us. Every wading, UK shore bird you can imagine was there.
We spent several hours in a convenient bird-hide watching the birds finding places : it was very cramped. 
As the tide started dropping, small bird search parties started lifting of the pools to check could they get get back to their feeding grounds on the mud flats. Suddenly word got round ( how ) & they all lifted together & came back over our heads again to the mud.
The sun shone ,we ate our sandwiches. I decided exhaustion was hitting so did the drive home.
You'll be see bird pictures for ages folks !.  

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