Garden Spider

I went out to refill the bird feeders this morning enduring the wet feet I got in the process and came across this reasonably mature garden spider. There were in fact three of them in close proximity so in I went to find camera and tripod - can't pass up on a good spider!

Straight into a bit of private tuition to coach a delightful lad through an entrance exam and then jumping in the car to head down to Woking. This journey was the best I have ever done involving the M25 - at speed all the way! Here I was helping daughter number two mind the children of daughter number one.  The cousins all enjoy being together and we took them out to a playground - extra attached.  

Then back onto the M25 - but not quite such a good journey back - to Tring for an informal singing evening with a group of friends.  There was one bit of the journey past Heathrow airport where the sky was a glorious mixture of cloud and evening sun with one of the airbus A380 planes taking off!  As we weren't quite stationary at the time I thought that getting the camera out would not be quite the thing to do! Bother!!!!

Late home so getting on with the blip before it turns midnight and I risk turning into a pumpkin!

Heads up! September's Mono Mondays will be hosted by me and my photographer friend B4YUU. Next Monday is Mm84 with the theme of CONTRAST. Spread the word!

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