More nail painting!

Actually, Noo painted my nails! I did help him, but he didn't do a bad job!! Sorry about my stumpy nails......occupational hazard!

Although I was up early for my Friday strength and conditioning class, Noo and I had a lazy day. We did have to down tools and rescue ZQ at 8.30am. He bravely decided to catch the school bus from the village.........but it didn't turn up. He was late to school, but the school were aware of the bus situation.....phew!!!

Noo and I went to soft play for a couple of hours so that he could let off steam! When we returned home, I struggled to keep my eyes open. Noo was a good boy and 'read' stories on my iPad until it was time to collect ZQ.

Dinner = omelette and Rioja! Classy!!

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