There's a distinct feeling of Autumn in the air, even though the days are still sunny and warm. It took him two days, but OilMan raked the entire front lawn…a project he began because Ozzie would not chase sticks on the very prickly live oak leaves! I think OilMan was a little unhappy with me when I said I couldn't tell much difference, but prickly dead leaves on a dead lawn don't exactly stand out! 

The weather is causing schizophrenic behavior around here.. Increasingly certain predictions of a "very strong El Niño" have us worrying about debris clogged creeks and swales overflowing with water, but continued dry weather also has OilMan worried about the fire danger from the large stretch of leaf covered ground under a stand stand of large oak trees beside the house. He has been giving them some extra water because they are huge, and would wreak havoc if one of them fell, but they are also beautiful and we would hate to lose one.

I have spent too much time today attempting to achieve the correct gague for the new cardigan I am starting. No matter how many swatches I knit, none of them seems to produce the gauge I need, despite a large bag full of knitting needles of many sizes and shapes. 

We are hosting a dinner for OilMan's high school buddies in a couple of weeks, and have no table that seats more than eight people, so we went in search of a folding one today,. We didn't get far into big box land before we realized that there was no place to park and it was the last place on earth we wanted to be on a long weekend, so we turned around and came home. When last spotted, OilMan was ordering one from Home Depot and having it delivered. 

It's getting more and more difficult to pry him out of here…perhaps a new car will help.
Hint:  It's red!

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