
By BadgersmoonWA

Snow Cat/Chris Update

Sophie decide the change in temps outside warranted moving back in.  She is sporting a scar on her nose from a run in with some critter.

On the 29th Chris had multiple (what I thought at the time) seizures, at least this time he didn't stop breathing.  Luckily paramedics once again got here quick enough to get an EKG reading which showed that the upper and lower chambers of the heart were not talking to each other.  The paramedic said he foresaw a pacemaker in Chris's future and today the 31st Chris had one put in.  If they hadn't got the proof to show what was going on, the insurance company wouldn't have authorized the procedure and sent him home again.  He is doing reasonably well, (real time it's the 5th) although he is having dizzy spells, of course a long weekend means he can't speak to his Dr. 'till Tuesday.  The pacemaker may need adjusting or there is something else going on.

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