Mrs Brown's girls

By Jenbrown83

Niamh's big adventure

Dear Niamh

Wow - in the blink of an eye you've gone from my little baby to an outgoing, independent, totally awesome 3 year old who is starting nursery school today. And boy are you ready for it! You've been itching to join the other "big kids" at school ever since your visit in July - you've practised wearing your uniform and school shoes, and you've practised introducing yourself (Niamhy!), you've got excited about seeing Emily and Albert across the wall and bemoaned Saffron being in another yard - but today your journey finally begins!

I don't have any words of wisdom for you like I did for Emily - I don't have the same worries this time round, not just because I've been here before, but because you, my big girl, are so brave, and outgoing and independent that I know this will all just be a big new fun adventure for you. I know that if someone treats you unfairly you won't sit back and take it - you'll stand up for yourself and any other person who needs it. You won't be the shy kid who maybe finds it a little slower to make friends - you'll have them wanting to be your friend instantly; you're a natural leader and you are such a magnet for people - everyone who comes across you loves you for your mix of cheekiness and cuteness.

With you I'm more worried about what you'll get up to - how many different things you'll try to lick or eat (glue, paint, sand...), or testing out what happens if you stick a crayon up your nose. Because you have this wonderful sense of adventure - you're not afraid to try anything (well apart from vegetables of course!) and will bravely try and do anything your imagination can come up with. You see the fun and possibility in everything - the teachers will certainly know they've got you, probably when you organise the other kids into trying to take over the nursery!

I hope that nursery helps you use all of that energy to have an awesome time; I hope you keep your independent streak and keep just doing what makes you happy - even if it means sitting in a corner and playing by yourself; I hope that you keep looking at the world in your own unique way; I hope that you keep trying to make people smile - you make me smile every day gorgeous girl, you're the brightest spot of every day; I hope you don't learn how to say your l's for a little while yet (yoyyipop is still my favourite!) and I hope that every day is an awesome adventure for you (I write this as you're going down the slide on a cushion headfirst to go super fast!). I can't wait to hear about it everyday beautiful xx

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