
By Boatmansrobin

Celebrations !

A wonderful feeling of freedom. Turn on the tap and after 31 long days ..... clean drinkable water!!

I had to celebrate so made some scones for tea.... which was also a celebration of me making a tentative return to the kitchen.

It was so difficult trying to remember to boil the water to take upstairs to wash and clean teeth. The grandchildren seemed to think it was an adventure .. it certainly prolonged bed time routine and we had to make sure they didn't inadvertently swallow any shower water.
Fortunately their parents arrived the next day to take them home after their holiday with us and as a bonus brought loads of bottled water to replenish our stocks.

I remembered water shortages of our childhood days living abroad. Water was so precious and never guaranteed clean. In some desert areas a whole day's wages had to be spent to fill up a small can, or miles walked to reach a muddy stream. It is so easy for us to forget that these conditions still exist .

How lucky we are. 

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