Zoe rolling in the dew!

I'm so glad to see her regaining some of her enthusiasm for life!  For the past month or so she has been kinda under the weather...loosing weight, no appetite and i have been worried!   Two trips to the vet about 2 months ago told us she had worms so we've dewormed her...twice!   still she seemed to be kinda quiet and still not much appetite!   Finally last week we had another vet visit and they confirmed she has kidney problems!!!   She's operating on 1/3 the kidney function and she has been getting worse!   So, we're on a different diet and a few medications...and after just 8 days she's perked up so much!   Still very skinny and there is no cure for the kind of destruction that has happened to her kidneys...but her life can be prolonged with aggressive therapy...and very expensive special food!   She's totally worth it, and i feel positive we still have a few more years with her.  She's 11 right now.....so she is indeed a senior dog!

In other news, i picked up our guest artist 

Diana Sanford and I spent a lovely few hours getting to know each other.   My intuition was absolutely right on...she is such a lovely, open and friendly woman, i think we're going to have a wonderful experience this weekend!

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