All that scratchin's making me itch!

I have a rule that you shouldn't work on your bday... North Yorkshire Dales it was then! :)
Saw this cute little guy in a field near Pateley Bridge... he aint no ordinary sheep I'm sure.  I'm no sheep guru.. but he does look like a special breed?
Anyways.. a wonderful day.. the sun didn't shine but my the mist over them moors was just as beautiful.
Basked in the love and good wishes of wonderful people.. and oh the old fashioned joy of greeting cards from loved ones.  
I got my very first 'Grandma' birthday card... awwww... bless little P! 
And Amelia's card to me said:
Never mind - you may be older than you've ever been before..... but you're also younger than you'll ever be again...... ha ha... yep... love the positive spin there!
And her bf gave me a separate card which said 'Make sure your birthday celebrations go with a real swing.... go dancing without your bra.......
A good job it was the Flamenco I was doing ...and not the Lindy Hop! :) 
Thank you sooooo much for your wonderful birthday wishes... smiley me! :) xxx
And oh... just because it was my late teens era - and I still love it....... All that scratchin's making me itch!

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