From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja


Look at that a camera in my eye!!

Trained this morning with killer pt man told me i made him look good because i was so sweaty looked so knackered more like with my hair all sweaty and sticking up all over the place i noticed when i looked in the mirror after about 10 mins of being back after my quick 20 mins round the lake which actually would have been slower but i realised that i wasn't gonna make my session if i didn't put my foot down!!!!
So anyways start my session in the free weights area we walk down to be confronted by groups of trainee pt's who are usually quiet but this group seemed to be full of loud testosterone filled men who start randomly play fighting and then one of them for some reason dropped to the floor right behind me nearly causing me to trip over him as i stepped back and started doing press ups!!!! My pt came back with the weights he'd gone to get and gave me a WTF look is he doing???

SO that was my fun fulfilled morning, then the rest of the day was filled with work, work, walk the dogs, work, tea and then blip!!!

:) X

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