A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

Back to work

After three days of fun and undivided attention, Olivier was not very happy to go back to daycare. To be honest, I would have gladly kept him home and not worked. But, reality. 

The pool did its magic again last night. So, new plan: I need to win the lotto so that I have enough money for a bigger place (it's seriously cramped here) with access to an all-season pool. It would be awesome, to be honest, if the pool was part of the house. Just saying. 

extra photo: I did some tidying up today while he was at daycare and had a look at what he put in his playpen. See, his new game is to throw stuff there. I was very happy to see that there was music, a few stuffed animals, blocks and books. I think that his reading choices are pretty interesting and show either the books that were available to his grabby little hands, or a definite sense of both the time he lives in and what literature is all about. 

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