Magic's journal

By Magic


I was helping with the housework today, me and MrC&D had intended to go out and about but after an unfortunate nasty squelchy gastric incident in the car on the way to tesco to make a start, we decided to come home and stay here!

MrsC&D thinks it is because I have been eating cat litter (it's very exciting and it fizzes and crunches) and she says it served me right, but if I am not better it is the V.E.T tomorrow. I do feel fine though and I am eating and drinking fine and not at all ill.

Anyway hoovering is very very fun, so long as it is not wheeling close at me, I am not bothered by the noise at all.

Zac is very scared of the hoover, but he is a big cissy mostly, although I am very fond of him. Goodness knows why anyone thinks big dogs are scary.

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