Front Brick Border

The evening yesterday with retired colleagues went well and we had a good catch-up with enjoyable food.
Oliver was not helping in the garden today; he has been sorting out things in readiness for his new job, signing his contract and filling in forms at their offices; he has the grand job title of ‘Apprentice’! The paperwork says once he is qualified he will be a multi-skilled engineer, whatever that means, but although nervous he is looking forward to Monday. It seems he has been all over the place today getting his hair cut, showing his uncle his new car and having lunch with some friends who are off to University.
I spent the morning weeding the two brick borders at the front of the house. They have been cleared of weeds three times already this year, but seem to grow one particular weed, which is difficult to control. One year I removed everything, treated the soil and then later moved all the plants back, but this weed persists. Today’s picture is one of the borders after I had weeded it, it needs some more plants as well as some more bark chippings. It is full of snowdrops and crocus in the spring and I think I will get some more bulbs for these two areas. Today’s extra picture is the ‘before’ picture; this is the ‘after’ picture and although not completely clear of weeds, it is vastly differently to how it looked earlier today.

Victoria is coming to visit this evening, to have pizza and to tell us about her new college, which so far she is enjoying and which seems to be the best option for her.

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