point and press

By crispinhj

Good service

Apart from the fact there are no trains that is.

A contact of mine on flickr revealed that staff on the underground are sometimes asked to mak eannouncments that there is a good service even when there are major problems

One of my pet hates is the amount of pointless announcements you get. It's almost as though as well as nature abhoring a vacuum so do the administrators of the underground

Liverpool Street is part of London - host of the 2012 Olympics. As though we didn't know.

For your health and safety there is no smoking allowed

Keep your luggage with you at all times

Blah blah blah on and on

A good service is apparently when three trains come in one direction but none in the other. The Circle line has never been the same since it stopped being a circle, but the announcement about the good service just added insult to injury

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