
Clams Casino - I'm God

While a typhoon plunders through Japan, an earthquake measuring 5.5 erupts in Melbourne. It seems as if the world is tumbling, but the immediate panic I would normally feel under those circumstances is subsided by a "reassuringly dire thought".

Although both adjectives seem rather contradictory, the reassurance lies in the idea that about a million and one disasters happen everyday on a plethora of different scales, some lucky or worthy enough to make some kind of news (eg. TV, radio and sadly Facebook). The world as little as I know of it is a big place and the little map of it I have inside my head, thankfully keeps growing (I would hope, :P). I know that I don't need to keep up to date with anything because for what is important for some will not be important for others. For better or worse, knowing that there is always more information than what you have access to keeps me rather passive.

And it's with this train of thought that allows me to delve into its "dire" side. Again, this passive state stops things from becoming special. To illustrate, I love video games and I get extremely passionate about it sometimes. I would watch game reviews and listen almost religiously to Gamespot, their reviews are extremely passionate also and although they are renowned experts in the field, they are not complete experts. I believe that most of the members only speak one language and therefore, one could argue, only see in one perspective. Before I sound too condescending and bitter (yes, I would LOVE to have their job), their reviews or perspectives don't account for the other millions of people who love a certain style of game. In short, you can only choose yourself and not be swayed by others entirely but only advised. However, by and large, that means you would also have to question yourself, your ideas, your perspectives and whether or not your expression has some sort of meaning...

At this juncture, it seems that nobody has a perfect grasp on things (although Stephen Fry does appear close to be god-like with every utterance), and I have a tendency to think that a person's insecurities are masked by an overt need to pontificate every thing they "know" to anyone unwilling to listen. Woody Allen's example of the intellectual know-it-all in Annie Hall and Midnight in Paris nails it on the head. I'm really that cynical. At the same time I know I'm doing it also... oooooh, Pontificate! Cumbersome! Exponential Cataclysm!!?!?!?!!

Because of the typhoon I could leave work early. Although an amazing idea at first glance, the only good thing about it was going home... and staying home. It turned into a nice night in but something inside of me wanted to go out and use my time to explore. My clothes were soaking but the wind and horizontal rain was exhilirating. The untamed monster called weather is just so amazing and settles me to know that there's yet another thing that humans can't control but so desperately seek to understand.

Well, hypothetically trapped in my apartment, I decided to watch Bronson (2008, Nicolas Winding Refn) and somehow it appeared so strange that I was juxtaposed watching this movie and being "kept" in my apartment.

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