
By IntothewildMan


Oh dear, started on the abstracts now...

STOP PRESS: Major election a poll of all the voters in her class, J., our daughter, was voted in as representative on the Student Council. In other election news, we were glued to the box around 11 am this morning when there was a knock on the door...two Jehovah's Witnesses standing there on the doorstep, smartly dressed, proffering a copy of the latest edition of their must read magazine. Sadly I could only offer them a minute or two today as I had to sprint back to the sofa in time to hear the results of the Labour Party Leadership Election. As predicted, Jeremy Corbyn won, though what was particularly interesting was to see what a solid mandate he received across the party and its members. All the savvy political commentators are predicting disaster now for the Labour Party. But it remains to be seen what will happen. At least it has made politics interesting and hopeful again. Though he will need to come up with some solid and credible policies for leading the country and not only for opposing the Conservatives.

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